Installation Notes for the PAS16 driver for Flight Unlimited. First copy the enclosed file proaudio.dig to the \flight\sound directory on your hard drive. Next switch to the \flight directory on your hard drive. Type "edit flite.cfg" (nimus the quotes of course) and press enter. Look for a line like this digi_num 1 Note: the number following digi_num may be different on your machine. change this to digi_num 8 Now save this file then exit the editor. Your sound card should now work in it's native mode. Because of design inconsistancies in PAS16 audio cards we can not guarentee that this driver will work with all PAS16 cards. In fact during our testing we found that we could not make it work with every PAS16 card, which was why we did not include it in the release. If the driver does not work with your card, it is unlikely that we can do anything further to make it do so. One thing to check if you do have trouble is to make sure that the following lines are all set to -1 digi_port -1 digi_irq -1 digi_dma8 -1 digi_dma16 -1